My name's Adam Sparks, I am a social studies teacher, Google Certified UX Designer, & graduate student in the Stanford Graduate School of Education. I'm introverted, but I have strong opinions about learning & education. Those opinions are born out of a passion for the power of learning and its ability to transform individuals and society. I blog here to share, discuss, promote, and challenge ideas about education.
I am primarily interested in k-12 learning in traditional classroom settings & how new technology can be leveraged to transform experiences for learners within that context. That said, I am also increasingly fascinated with the potential of massive, online learning platforms & tools. Their ability (and inability) to change the way we educate individuals in our society is something I have begun to think about a lot lately, especially in the context of COVID.
Note: Many of the posts on this site were originally written for my former classroom-website & blog, titled "Overly Earnest Edu." Posts were written between 2016 - Present.